Another Anti-Gay Religious Leader Admits To Extramarital Affair

FormerVision Forum Ministries Leader Doug Phillips - Still leader of Vision Forum Inc. 
I've never even heard of this one.  Seriously, if you job is to tell people that society the gays will destroy the family, shouldn't you not destroy YOUR family?!

Via Right Wing Watch:
Doug Phillips of Vision Forum and Vision Forum Ministries resigned last week over an extramarital affair. 
“There has been serious sin in my life for which God has graciously brought me to repentance. I have confessed my sin to my wife and family, my local church, and the board of Vision Forum Ministries. I engaged in a lengthy, inappropriate relationship with a woman. While we did not “know” each other in a Biblical sense, it was nevertheless inappropriately romantic and affectionate.” 
Phillips is the son of late conservative activist Howard Phillips and a leading advocate of Christian Reconstructionism and the patriarchal, anti-birth control Quiverfull.Kathryn Joyce in Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement calls Phillips “one of the most influential proponents of the conservative Christian patriarchy movement now flourishing among homeschoolers.”
So, the "Christian patriarchy movement" needs to seriously take a good look in the mirror instead of blaming "the gays".  Yeah, that will happen!


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