Macy's Employee Fired For Anti Trans Behavior
Courtesy ABC News |
The last time I checked, regardless of whether it's a women's or men's dressing room, every changing booth is private, so what's the big deal?
Found this gem at
Down in Texas last week, God-fearing college student Natalie Johnson went to her job at Macy’s and had what must have been an eye-opening experience: a trans woman shopping for women’s clothes. It was unconscionable! Just not right! She had to fix it!
So when the customer tried to defile the purity of a woman’s dressing room by entering it, Johnson, 27, took it upon herself to set things right.
“I made sure to keep an eye on him because he was shopping for women’s clothing,” she told KSAT TV in San Antonio. “I had to just straightforward tell him, ‘You’re a man,’ and of course that really got him steamed.”
Johnson refused to let the unnamed woman enter the ladies dressing room, even though the customer’s friends informed her it was Macy’s policy to allow transgender people to use the dressing room of their choosing.
Johnson got fired for not complying with the retailer’s diversity policy (score one for Macy’s!) but quickly filed a complaint with the Federal Employment Commission, claiming her religious beliefs prevented her from recognizing transgender people.
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