Gay Hero comes out at 90! It's never too late!


Kenneth Felts and his daughter, Rebecca Mayes via Facebook

Via Queerty:

Bio: Born in Missouri, Kenneth Felts grew up moving all over America courtesy of his father’s railroad job. When he reached adulthood, Felts settled in Colorado where he took a counseling job with the Colorado Division of Rehabilitation. Along the way, he married, had a daughter named Rebecca, and divorced. Now long since retired, Felts enjoys tending his garden and hanging out with his family, especially his grandchildren. Earlier this year, the COVID-19 pandemic stymied Felts’ social life, so he began writing his memoirs. It was then that he had to face a lifelong secret.

...Felts kept the secret hidden from everyone, including his own daughter, who came out as a lesbian herself. Then this June, Felts happened to mention his love affair with a man named Phillip to Rebecca. He confessed that he regretted ever leaving Phillip, as the two had fallen madly in love. At the time, however, Felts thought it wiser to stay in the closet, to try and suppress his sexual orientation. Telling Rebecca about Phillip made Kenneth feel so liberated, he went to his Facebook profile and decided to come out to the world.


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