"One Million Moms" Not Happy With Disney Channel's First Gay Character

Sofia Wylie, Joshua Rush, Peyton Elizabeth Lee, and Asher Angel star in Andi Mack.
Fred Hayes/Disney Channel

Someone's panties are in a bunch! 

According to NPR:
"It was TV history made in a moment. Goofy 13-year-old Cyrus Goodman came out as gay by confiding to his good friend Buffy that he had a crush on a boy. That boy is cool kid Jonah Beck, who just started dating Cyrus and Buffy's best friend, Andi Mack. 
The show is the Disney Channel's hit tween dramedy, Andi Mack. And it's the first time the channel has featured a coming-out story for a teen in a live action show. The series hinted that Cyrus might have a crush on Jonah through its first season, but Friday's episode was the moment when Cyrus finally said it out loud."
What I presume is a one woman outfit, anti-gay "One Million Moms" is not happy!

Via their email blast:
"The Disney Channel is deliberately choosing to “move forward” and promote adult content to children. By choosing to move in the direction of more “adult” stories and content, the Disney Channel – and the entire Disney media empire – may be choosing to sacrifice something far more precious… children’s innocence."
God forbid children know that some kids are gay! "One Million Moms" wants us all to pretend they don't exist and should not be mentioned. Too bad, so sad.


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