Russian Actor Ivan Okhlobystin Calls For Gay Holocaust

He is an actor in the Russian version of "Scrubs."  Funny, huh?

Via QueerRussia:

During Novosibirsk tour “Spiritual talks” on December, 8 Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin, 47,  made several harsh homophobic remarks while fully packed venue greeted them with applause. 
Okhlobystin said: “I myself would shove all live gays into furnace. This is Sodom and Gomorrah, I as a beliver in God can not treat this indifferently, this is a live threat to my kids!… I do not want my kids to think that faggots are normal. This is lavender fascism. If a person can not choose someone of an opposite sex for procreation – this is a overt sign of mental abnormality, so they should be denied of voting rights”, NGS NEWS reports.


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