Vatican: Gay Marriage Is An Unattainable Utopia

Is the pope flaming?

Did The Vatican just show their freudian slip? Does the Catholic Church think that a world with gay marriage would be utopia?  I'm sure, for many priests, it would be!!

After the Pope’s incendiary comments about gay marriage, the Holy See’s “semi-official” newspaper has blasted gay couples as being in a “different reality” than heterosexual couples and that pursuing marriage equality is simply chasing after an “unattainable utopia.”
L’Osservatore Romano printed a front page editorial on Monday taking umbrage with the weekend’s pro-marriage demonstrations in France and particularly with French Catholic weekly Temoignage Chretien‘s endorsement of the country’s controversial gay marriage bill.
“It is upsetting because in taking this position, the most banal politically correct arguments were used,” the Osservatore Romano said, adding: “Being Catholic is about much more than embracing fashionable cultural standpoints.” 
“We cannot base a society on these foundations without then paying a very high price as happened in the past when there was an attempt to achieve total economic and social equality,” the paper said. 
“Why repeat the same mistake and chase after an unattainable utopia?”


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