Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Opposes "Gay Propaganda" Law

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
Lady Gaga is happy and so am I.  Russia has been going in the wrong direction with gay rights in the past several years.  
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced his opposition Friday to a pending national version of a “homosexual propaganda” law that has already been enacted in regions including St. Petersburg.
The leader of United Russia said during a TV interview that he believed the bill was unnecessary because “not all relations between people can be regulated by law,” according to Russia Today. He also said that his party, which holds the parliamentary majority, agreed with him.
Medvedev’s comments won praise from LGBT human rights advocates including Lady Gaga. The pop star tweeted, “Thank You Prime Minister Medvedev for not standing by your party's anti gay propaganda law & instead supporting my show+fans all over Russia.”


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