George Takei: Scalia Should Recuse Himself From Gay Marriage Cases

George Takei is both a pop culture icon and a gay rights hero!  Follow him on facebook here.  You'll thank me!

Via Raw Story:

During an appearance on MSNBC, actor and LGBT activist George Takei called for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to recuse himself from upcoming cases involving the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8.
Scalia recently told an audience at Princeton University that someone could be morally opposed to homosexuality in the same manner they were morally opposed to murder or bestiality.
“Well, it seems to me that if Justice Elena Kagan can recuse herself from the Boston case, Justice Scalia needs to consider recusing himself,” Takei said. “He is obviously not unbiased. He is clearly biased in this situation. So how can he look at the issue and make a judgement fairly.”
“I really do think, first of all that statement was a repugnant statement to equate homosexuality with murder, and any Justice who has so little thought before he speaks should not be participating in the ruling on the cases involving DOMA or Proposition 8,” he added

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