Rick Santorum "Praying" For Dan Savage...Isn't that special!!

Rick Santorum
I love when the hate monger feels the need to pray for the person who calls out his hatred.  
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said he is "praying" for gay rights activist and syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage, who launched a campaign to redefine the former Pennsylvania senator's last name into a sexual neologism, in an interview with the website RealClearReligion published Monday.
When asked what he would say to Savage, he said, "I would tell him that I'm praying for him. He obviously has some serious issues. You look at someone like that who can say and do the things that he's doing and you just pray for him and hopefully he can find peace."...
...Savage targeted Santorum over his infamous comments in 2003 on homosexuality and "man on dog" sex. A website linking his name to a sexual neologism was created and rose to the top of search engine results. His presidential campaign has made the site fall somewhat in search results, but it still remains near the top of Google results for his name.
Dan Savage
Dan Savage Responds
"Rick Santorum thinks that women who have been raped should be compelled—by force of law—to carry the babies of their rapists to term, he thinks birth control should be illegal, he wants to prosecute pornographers, etc., etc., basically the guy wants to be president so that he can micromanage the sex lives of all Americans...and I'm the one with issues? Because I made a dirty joke at his expense eight or nine years ago and it stuck? I'm the one with issues? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Rick can pray for me. I'll gay for him. And we can call it even." - Dan Savage, responding to Santorum's claim that he prays for Dan.


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