Anti Gay Radio Host Accused Of Hit And Run Outside Gay Bar He Was Leaving

Anti gay radio host and gay bar patron Michael Berry
What is an Anti Gay talk radio host and former Houston councilman Michael Berry doing in a gay bar?  Did he drink before he backed into a car while leaving the bar?  Why hasn't the Houston D.A. filed charges?  There is an eyewitness/victim who got the license plate.  The SUV belongs to Berry. The bar has reportedly turned over video showing Berry in the bar just before the hit and run.  

Once again, this study may very well explain this situation.  

Via JoeMyGod:

Conservative talk radio host Michael Berry has been accused of leaving the scene of a fender bender after departing a drag show he attended at a popular Houston gay bar. Berry is known for ranting against same-sex marriage and related LGBT issues.

Local 2 Investigates e-mailed Berry for his response to the hit-and-run allegations and the videotape showing him inside the club during that drag show, and Berry replied, "I don't respond to such things." Houston police said the hit-and-run was still under investigation, adding that Berry was not listed as being charged with a crime at this point. If additional witnesses are found, or if prosecutors change their minds about the video and the witness account, Berry could be charged with a misdemeanor crime of Failure to Stop and Give Information (FSGI).

The victim told Local 2 Investigates he believes the conservative activist is trying to avoid the issue entirely because of his public stances involving gay people. "If you're going to stand up and say anti-gay things and be conservative and be Mr. Good Guy, and then when something happens that points you out and puts you in a place with the exact business that you aim to shut down, it kind of makes it seem like I need this to go away and I need it to go away quickly," said Bennett.
How about this story, Houston? Will this be a big deal?(Tipped by JMG reader Sai)

Watch the video on

Update:  More witnesses have come forwarded and newly released surveilence video place Bennet at the bar.  Video update here!


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