Same Sex Partner of Fallen State Trooper Fighting for Benefits

People say we want "special rights" when we demand the right to legally marry.  What we want is equal rights.  This couple has been together for 15 years.  They shared a home, they raised a son, they loved each other.  Now the state of Missouri is denying the surviving partner death benefits that are available to legally married opposite-sex partners.  This is not a special right, this is common decency for any spouse who loses their law enforcement partner.

Via The Advocate:
Cpl. Dennis Engelhard died on Christmas Day 2009 after he was hit by a car as he investigated an accident. While spouses and opposite-sex partners of Missouri state troopers can receive an annuity of 50% of the employee’s salary, Glossip is being denied the benefit. Glossip is raising a teenage son, who Englehard considered a stepson.


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